Metal Gear Online apologizes for stability woes with bonuses


3,000 GP and an XP boost extension

For once, I didn’t button-mash my way through the startup notices in Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. There’s an apology from Konami over the recent stability issues in the game’s multiplayer component, Metal Gear Online, and we’re getting a couple of bonuses as compensation.

As of today, you should have an extra 3,000 GP sitting in your account. Spend it wisely! Konami has also extended the XP boost promo code duration from two weeks to three weeks. (If that boost is already active for you, it should be automatically extended by one week).

“We will continue to improve so that your experience is more pleasant,” said Konami. Based on my experience of continually getting strangled by invisible strangers, that’s a tall order. I’m terrible at MGO. But I just bought a cap fashioned out of a crocodile head, so I’m feeling good.