Metrico for PS Vita looks as surreal as ever


The game can apparently tell the lighting condition of your room

It’s been around a year since we first heard about Metrico, an upcoming PlayStation Vita game that’s hard to pin down outside of its unique theme. In the words of Digital Dreams, this is “all about using input to shape the infographics around you and solve puzzles.” So far, so good. I follow.

Then it starts getting right back to “huh?” territory: “Metrico is a lot about the player and his or her physical presence while playing. With all the hardware inputs, PS Vita is the perfect console for this. For instance, Metrico knows how you’re holding the Vita, or how much light is in your room.”

The developer also says there will be six worlds, each with a new input method and original “shapes, type of infographics, colors, music, mechanics, challenges, typography, and animation.” Something tells me Metrico will be one of those games you just need to play for yourself — that descriptions don’t do the experience much justice.

The Unusual World of Metrico on PS Vita, New Trailer Debuted [PlayStation Blog]