Microsoft has a 'renewed focus' on PC gaming


Uh huh

Microsoft hasn’t given up on PC gaming — that’s what Microsoft Studios corporate vice president Phil Spencer believes, anyway. “A renewed focus on Windows and PC gaming inside Microsoft is definitely happening,” he said this week at the Game Developers Conference.

“You will see more focus from us — not to go compete with what Valve has done — but because we also understand as the platform holder it’s important for us to invest in the platform in a real way,” he continued. “We’re fundamentally committed to that.”

It’s the same old message we’ve been hearing for a while now, but at least Spencer offered something in the way of a timeline. He said the company’s plans would be made clear this summer.

Asked about the state of Games for Windows Live and how the service fits into this future, Spencer told Polygon that “You will get a clear answer from us very soon. We have a longer-term plan for multiplayer gaming and marketplace on Windows. We understand what we have today in market … isn’t great. We do understand there’s some continuity of getting from where we are to where we want to be [and] that shutting the lights off isn’t exactly the right thing to do.

“We’ve got to make sure we’ve got a thoughtful plan that supports the people that currently have games onGames for Windows Live. It’s a conversation we’re having.”

Phil Spencer: a ‘renewed focus’ on Windows PC gaming from Microsoft is coming [Polygon]