Mirror's Edge 2 to 'refine' first-person combat, probably be ruined


Cautious optimism…fading

DICE general manager Karl Magnus Troedsson is talking Mirror’s Edge 2and it doesn’t help my unearned cautious optimism for a great free running game in the vein of the first.

“What I can say is that if the last game focused on first-person movement, it was definitely shown inthe moviehere that the DICE team will be focusing on first-person combat as well, to really nail and refine that,” Troedsson told CVG.

“Fans of the game will just have to wait and see until we talk more about the actual game is [sic] and the vital mechanics of it,” Troedsson said. “We’ve shown the combat and movement now, but there’s so much more to talk about. What I can say is, this is not just going to be the same game as the last one. We’re building Faith for a new generation.”

Is it weird that I don’t want “so much more?” That I don’t want an open world? That I just want the movement, more of it, maybe refined further? So far “next generation” has been decidedly this similar to the generation preceding it.

Mirror’s Edge 2 will ‘refine’ first-person combat [CVG]