Mistwalker is recruiting for a new project


Something new this way cometh

It looks like Lost Odyssey and The Last Story studio Mistwalker is staffing up for a new project.

On Saturday, company founder and Final Fantasy dad Hironobu Sakaguchi put out a call for new employees, specifically mentioning his team is in need of monster and background designers.


— 坂口博信 (@auuo) January 16, 2016

Sakaguchi also mentions the word “new,” which, in a recent interview with Famitsu, he explains is his mantra for 2016. In addition to continuing to support Mistwalker’s mobile RPG Terra Battle, the plan is to begin production on a novel new project with a new worldview later this year.

Unfortunately, Sakaguchi didn’t get into any more specifics. However,when I interviewed him in 2014, he mentioned a desire to “try [to make] another surfing game,” referencing Mistwalker’s surfing action titleParty Wave, released for mobile devices in 2012.

Mistwalker has also toyed with a ballet dancing game, Sakaguchi told me during the same meeting, Sakaguchi said he “even took [his] team to Paris to do some research” and suggested if Terra Battle performed well we “might see the ballet game.” Of course, it’s been quite a while since then. Who knows what other sort of design concepts might have crossed his mind since then.

It shouldn’t be forgot, Mistwalker has also promiseda console game inspired by the world of Terra Battle. However, as of May 2015, the development teamhad not yet begun pre-production.