Miyamoto shows how to eat a burger while playing Super Mario Run


What did we do to deserve him?

Watch as Mr. Miyamoto reveals his favorite ways to play #SuperMarioRun on the go! pic.twitter.com/MboONwsdsw

— Nintendo of America (@NintendoAmerica) September 12, 2016

In talking up Super Mario Run‘s one-handed game design, Nintendo’s Shigeru Miyamoto recently went on the record to say that it’s possible to play the upcoming mobile title while “riding the subway or, my favorite, eating a hamburger.”

That was a mental image well worth conjuring, but now we don’t have to use our imaginations. Here’s the legendary designer chomping down a burger while jumping over obstacles in Super Mario Run.

I’d be afraid of the grease getting anywhere near my phone once I was done with the game, but I’m no stranger to this risky business. I tend to floss and brush my teeth while simultaneously playing Pokémon Shuffle, and I haven’t once dropped my phone. It’s only a matter of time.