Mobile gaming to push industry past $100 billion by 2017


A large portion of this growth thanks to Asia

Say what you will about mobile gaming, but it’s a huge part of gaming and bringing in a filthy amount of money to the industry.

Research firm Digi-Capital’s Global Games Investment Review 2014, by way of Games Industry Biz, believes that mobile and online gaming is such a huge force around the world that it will generate $60 billion of the predicted $100 billion the industry will generate by 2017. Europe and Asia will be the big drivers of this, as the firm believes those two sectors represent 80% of mobile and online gaming.

All this combined with the ever increasing momentum of the PC, the new console generation thanks to the Xbox One and PlayStation 4, and the race for game streaming, I think our industry is going to be just fine. If you really want to get into all the research and data you can download the overview from Digi-Capital for free.

GLOBAL GAMES INVESTMENT REVIEW 2014 – EXEC SUMMARY [Digi-Capital, via Games Industry Biz]