Mondelez wants to use Kinects to watch you buy snacks


Put down those Oreos!

Mondelez International (Oreo, Wheat Thins, Nabisco) is exploring a pilot program that will have Kinects monitoring shoppers as they look around the snack aisle, ABC News reports. “The technology looks at facial features to determine gender and approximate age, but it doesn’t save the images,” said company spokesperson Richard Buino. Oh. In that case.

“Our goal is to understand how shoppers see, scan, spot, show interest and select products from the shelf in the store,” said another Mondelez rep. “We can also engage and influence the purchase decision by delivering a targeted shopper experience. For example, we can deliver audio or play a video based on demographics, distance and even the time of the day.”

I already feel self-conscious when grocery shopping. Don’t judge me, Kinect.

Mondelez International May Use Microsoft Kinect to Track Your Snack Buying Habits [ABC News]