Monster Hunter producer teases 20th anniversary plans for 2024


‘I should start making preparations for various things soon’

It’s the end of the year, so it’s time for the annual Famitsu “developer check-in,” to see how some publishers are getting on, and what they have planned for the future. That roundup includes Capcom, who is already getting ready for a big Monster Hunter 20th anniversary mark.

When asked about 2022, producer Ryozo Tsujimoto talked briefly about Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak, then jumped ahead a bit to 2024 (as translated by Gematsu):

“In 2022, I’d first like to deliver Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak, which is scheduled for summer, to everyone in solid shape. And the Monster Hunter series will celebrate its 20th anniversary in 2024, so I should start making preparations for various things soon.”

As a reminder, Monster Hunter is a cash cow, and has remained in the top spot of Capcom’s all-time best-seller list basically since 2018. It crushed the second spot of Resident Evil 7 by quite a bit, pushing 17.5 million units to date over RE7‘s 10.2 million. It stands to reason that come 2024, or thereabouts, we’ll probably get some sort of follow-up to World for newer consoles.

This could be the first sign of it! Who knows what the world will be like in two years.