My Nintendo gets some Street Fighter themed rewards



My Nintendo is floundering, and the Big N doesn’t seem interested enough in the service to alter it significantly. They had a chance to change things with the Switch but that hasn’t happened yet (Switch rewards are still “coming soon”), and nothing short of a massive overhaul announced at E3 will really help matters. There’s flashes of brilliance there (free Mario Kart 8Wii U DLC for gold coins, Flipnote, Twilight Picross), but it’s been stagnant for at least a year.

Nonetheless, I’m sure some of you out there still use it, so here are some updated discounts for this month that you can peruse below. They’re all Street Fighterthemed, including an Alpha 2discount for Wii U/3DS (worth it), a Super Street Fighter IV 3D discount (not worth it), and a New Challengers40% off ticket, which isn’t necessarily recommended with the Switch update around the corner.

While I used to log into Club Nintendo and rack up my points, I haven’t been doing it religiously for weeks. There’s just nothing left to get! Plus, the Switch physical edition gold coin rewards are far too low.

Reward Categories [My Nintendo]

  • Street Fighter Alpha 2 (New 3DS) – 40% discount for 30 Gold Points
  • Super Street Fighter IV 3D Edition(3DS) – 40% discount for 60 Gold Points
  • Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers (Wii U) – 40% discount for 30 Gold Points
  • Digital Wallpaper for Ultra Street Fighter II: The Final Challengers – 50 Platinum Points