Natural Doctrine will have cross-play & cross-save on PS4, PS3, and Vita


Plus a brand new trailer

Kadokawa Game Studio’s inaugural title, Natural Doctrine, is coming to the west thanks to NIS. The SRPG from Patapon director Atsushi li looks pretty interesting, though you can’t really judge the game based on a CG trailer. Still it’s something new and shiny to watch, and the Internet sure loves new and shiny. Here’s some actual gameplay for those of you really interested in seeing what it’s all about.

Not much else to say as everything else is old info. Even the fact that it has cross-play and cross-save was covered before, but we never wrote it in a headline and I figure cross-play in a story title would turn some heads. What do you want from me? There’s not much to write about at 1:00AM when you can’t sleep.