Nearly six million PlayStation 4 units sold this Holiday season


Lend us a tenner, John

Sony have released figures for their PlayStation sales over 2017’s Holiday period, and it looks like it was a very Merry Christmas for the industry giants.

The PlayStation 4 manufacturer managed to sell through 5.9 million of the little black boxes, bringing the grand total of PS4 units sold to date to an almighty 73.6 million units (as of December 31, 2017).

In terms of video games themselves, 55.9 million games were sold through high street retail and digital storefronts, with December 2017 seeing the PlayStation Store reach it’s all-time sales record. Sony has also stated that online service PlayStation Plus currently stands at over 31 million subscribers.

“Thanks to the continued support from our fans across the globe, we are honored to announce remarkable sales during the holiday season,” said John Kodera, President of Sony Interactive Entertainment. “We promise our unwavering commitment to bring(ing) more amazing experiences to our fans, including exclusive games and innovative network services, as PS4 continues to flourish as the best place to play.”

The PS4 currently stands eleven million sales away from outselling two of last generation’s stalwarts; the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360.