New Bandai Namco site teases mysterious new horror title


Don’t go in the house

Bandai Namco Japan has opened a new teaser site, heralding the arrival of a mystery horror game, currently in development. The site gives little hint as to what this new title might be, merely featuring webcam-style footage of a typical suburban home and a grim-looking sky.

Honestly, it’s pretty damn creepy, and a very eerie visual. There are little to be found in the way of clues, save for the web address word “Domas” and a date, August 30, which is no doubt when we’ll hear a bit more about the spooky looking new title.

The funny thing is, whenever I put together Namco, horror and houses, I can only think of the notorious Splatterhouse series, but I’m pretty confident that the final reveal it isn’t going to be related to that particular franchise. That’d be way too awesome.Namco Bandai creepy new teaser website [Official]