New Majora's Mask glitch lets you freely warp to statues


History in the making

A glitch in The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask allowing Link to warp to owl statues he hasn’t activated has been discovered. In this video, Indextic, who took part in uncovering the glitch, walks through the process. It’s fairly straightforward but I recommend hearing it from him.

Essentially, players need to hit the “hidden owl” in West Clock Town and no others, and by adjusting their cursor in the pause-screen map before playing the Song of Soaring, they can warp to any of the other statues. Specific cursor locations on the map lead to specific statues, though Indextic has already broken that down in a list viewable here.

Besides being a neat trick from a technical perspective, I’m curious to see how this develops in the speedrunning community. Perhaps this glitch is only the beginning. Exciting!