New Muramasa Rebirth DLC haunts Vita next week


More action-packed Japanese folklore inbound!

The penultimate entry in Muramasa Rebirth‘s downloadable Genroku Legends tetralogy will be available in the West next week, Aksys Games announced today.

A Spirited Seven Nights’ Hauntingfollows a ninja on the run from his former clan. Those pursuers will be the least of our hero’s problems, though. After running afoul of an angry spirit, a curse leaves the protagonist with only a week to live. So, what’s a ninja to do before meeting his untimely demise? The smart money’s on a fair bit of violence.

The latest morsel of Vanillaware goodness joinsA Cause to Daikon ForandFishy Tales of the Nekomataon the PlayStation Store starting July 15 in North America and across Europe the next day.