Nintendo apologizes for network outage over the holidays


Nintendo eShop available on all systems once more

Nintendo issued an apology late yesterday evening for the recent series of network outages. The company explains the instability was caused by a “one-time surge in demand” over the holidays.

The online services initially buckled on Christmas day, largely due to an “influx of new Nintendo Network accounts,” existing ones being linked with Nintendo 3DS systems, and record numbers of users attempting to access the eShop simultaneously.

Since then, Nintendo has been working around the clock to restore the service. The Nintendo 3DS eShop was taken offline yesterday for 12 hours, starting at 4pm ET, to perform maintenance. Now, at long last, the store is once againonline on all systems.

Nintendo doesn’t expect any further outages, but promises to closely monitor the situation. More information on the delayedPokémon Bank and Poké Transporterapplicationswill be revealed soon.

If there’s one positive takeaway from all this, it’s that at least people seem to know that their consoles can go online.

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