Nintendo Badge Arcade for 3DS is leaving Japan


Confirmed for UK and the US

[Update: Nintendo of America just announced that Nintendo Badge Arcadeis now available in the US from the 3DS eShop!]

Nintendo Badge Arcadefor 3DS is a popular application in Japan that allows users to collect badges to customize their homescreens by placing them alongside game and app icons. Badges are available from various first- and third-party franchises, with new ones being added all the time. A claw game is used to collect them.

What the trailer above fails to make crystal clear isBadge Arcadeis free-to-play, and players can pay a small amount of real skrilla to purchase plays, or play for free once a day. Since the badges are strictly cosmetic, I don’t see a problem with this.

Right now, Nintendo Badge Arcadeis only confirmed for release in the UK, but with a Nintendo Direct coming this Thursday, I’d be surprised if it isn’t confirmed then for the US as well.