Nintendo has 'no plans' for a Wii U price drop


‘Great content is coming’

In an E3 interview with Nintendo executive Scott Moffitt, GamesBeat hit on a few aspects of the Wii U, such as the drive to remain competitive despite Sony’s strong E3 presence, and the graphical power of the Wii U. But one particular part of the interview stands out, given recent events — Moffitt says there are no plans to change the Wii U’s price.

Last week, people were shouting from the rooftops that we’d see a Wii U price drop, but it didn’t happen — and it doesn’t look like it’s going to happen for a while. Moffitt explains the issue, stating, “with great hardware coming, that will drive the install base. The perception of our price has changed, but what’s also changed is that people now see what great content is coming. They’ll see the value in those games. They’ll be able to enjoy a Wii U in their household for a lot less than a competing console.”

So there you have it. Not only was I not expecting a Wii U price cut last week, but I don’t think they need one in general. Once Super Mario 3D World and Mario Kart 8 hit in full force, if they don’t make a dent, then you can think about a price cut — but not before.

Nintendo marketing exec [GamesBeat]