Nintendo Labo is now compatible with Mario Kart 8


Cardboard turtle shell not included

Remeber Labo? Nintendo’s weird venture into papercraft that let you build a piano and then sat in the corner of your living room for a month?

Well, it has a neat new use. You can now use the Toy-Con Motorbike with Mario Kart 8 Deluxe. Once you download the latest update just select the Labo icon in the main menuto choose the Toy-Con as your controller option.

Grab the Toy-Con Motorbike handlebars and race to victory! #MarioKart 8 Deluxe is now compatible with the Toy-Con Motorbike creation from the #NintendoLabo Variety Kit!

— Nintendo of America (@NintendoAmerica) June 26, 2018

That isn’t the only Labo-themed news Nintendo had to announce though. They also announced the categories for the second NintendoLabo Creators Contest.

Anyone who submits to the categories“Best Gaming Experience using Toy-Con Garage” and “Best Toy-Con Musical Instrument” has a shot at winning cool prizes including a Labo-inspired Switch console.

Nintendo also said that “more titles will be compatible with Nintendo Labo in the future.”