Nintendo released Banjo Kazooie's new Smash Ultimate theme and it's DAHA-licious


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It’s good to see Banjo finally getting his due. Nuts & Boltswas…okay? I never really resonated with it. All I wanted was to run around and mess stuff up with an adorable bear and bird and the game kept telling me to make vehicles: no!

Well, Nintendo is giving him the tender love and care he needs, after being neglected for so long, withSmash Ultimate. Earlier this week at E3 he was revealed to be making an appearance as the third (of five) Fighter’s Pass DLC character later in the fall. True to form with the Fighter’s Pass mechanic, he’ll come with his own stage (which was teased in the intro video) and several music tracks.

One of those tracks is Spiral Mountain (by Grant Kirkhope) and you can listen to the version that’s included in Ultimate below. It’s almost impossible to hear it without wanting to go back and play the original. Wait until it really kicks in around 1:00 glorious!