Nintendo talks Humble Bundle performance, indie strategy


Good news

Nintendo of America’s senior manager of marketing, Damon Baker, had a chance to chat with Gamasutra recently, and talked a bit about how the publisher is doing in the indie department — in short, it’s pretty much all good news.

According to Baker, Nintendo was “quite pleased” with the results of the Humble Nindie Bundle, and they were able to accomplish their goal of reaching a wider audience with the indie titles that were featured. He also notes that a lot of people bought the games at full price anyway without using the bundle just because of the extra awareness.

In regards to making a successful indie, Baker states that the process doesn’t rest solely on Nintendo, and that developers should take more risks on the eShop. He explains that Nintendo fans tend to “gravitate towards nostalgia,” or in other words, they tend to side with classic style games like platformers rather than something completely different. Baker urges fans to try out other genres as well, and reward diversity on the eShop.

That sounds pretty reasonable to me.

Nintendo’s ‘Nindies’ man updates us on how devs can work with Nintendo [Gamasutra]