Nintendo updating Steel Diver: Sub Wars to 'Version 2.0'


The company hasn’t forgotten about its first free-to-play game

Nintendo’s first-person submarine battle game Steel Diver: Sub Wars will be updated to Version 2.0 later this month, if all goes according to plan. Director Takaya Imamura took to Miiverse to explain what’s coming up next for this free-to-play 3DS eShop title:

“In Version 2.0, in Internet Battle mode, you will now also earn bonuses for consecutive victories in Matched Skills Battles,” noted Imamura. “Additionally, owners of the Premium Version will have access to a larger arsenal of subs as they level up, and more subs will be made available for purchase in the Online Shop within the game.

“We also received a lot of feedback via Miiverse about players attacking their allies. In Version 2.0, players who torpedo their allies will receive a warning message on their screen, and points will be deducted for every hit. We’re also planning to add a new multiplayer stage, and to continue to fine-tune the submarine stats, among other things.”

I had forgotten about Sub Wars shortly after its mid-February release and I’m sure many of you could say the same. Leave it to updates like this to bolster that player base a bit.