North Korea's Hunting Yankee is a game about sniping US soldiers


Getting back for Homefront

Hunting Yankee is a new game out of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea that’s sure to rankle US nationalists just three weeks after president Donald Trump threatened the DPRK with “fire and fury like the world has never seen.”

The 3D-amusement entertainment program Hunting Yankee is a fighting game of shooting and knocking down Yankees with a sniper gun… behind enemy lines,” according to DPRK outlet Arirang-Meari, as translated by NK News. Arirang-Meari reports the game “has become popular,” but not if it’s playable on phones or PC. It adds that, “Users can perform a variety of special actions in a virtual world reminded of a cliff-hanger battle scene.”

It looks about as bad as Homefront: The Revolution, a paranoid and reality-detached series wherein the small, far-off nation somehow invades and takes over modern America, allowing the richest and most powerful country in the history of the world to cosplay as plucky underdogs.

The DPRK isn’t the only country cashing in on anti-American sentiment. Over in China, this year’s smash hit is a Rambo-style action movie, Wolf Warrior 2, wherein the lead has to kill a bunch of evil US soldiers in Africa who massacre civilians with drones for no reason. It is only the second film in history to make $800 million in one territory (the other is Star Wars: The Force Awakens, which made $936.7 million in North America alone). Maybe Wolf Warrior 3 will have a similar moment to Rambo III, which inserted a note of support in the end credits for the CIA-backed mujahideen, a group which included eventual American enemy Osama bin Laden.

US interventionism coming home to roost comes full circle in the Hunting Yankee discussion. “How many Americans know that ‘over a period of three years or so,’ to quote Air Force Gen. Curtis LeMay, head of the Strategic Air Command during the Korean War, ‘we killed off … 20 percent of the population’?,” Mehdi Hasan explains at The Intercept. The DPRK has a lot of justified grievances with America — the only country to ever use nuclear weapons against others — even if Americans have long forgotten them.

인기를 끌고있는 3차원유희오락프로그람 《미국놈사냥》 [Arirang-Meari]North Korean media promoting new “Hunting Yankee” first-person shooter game [NK News]