Octodad: Dadliest Catch sold better than expected


A well-deserved success story

This is one of those stories that makes me oh so happy. I knew how I felt about Octodad: Dadliest Catch leading up to its release but was unsure there’d be enough people with similar tastes in funny, funky-controlling games about being a dad (who happens to be an octopus) for it to be a “success.” It has been successful, though, selling 90,000 copies on PC, Mac, and Linux.

“Our Kickstarter funds for Octodad went towards some business costs and conference booths,” wrote the studio. “Outside of that our nine-person team at Young Horses worked on Octodad: Dadliest Catch for free for 2.5 years while holding other full-time jobs.

“Our hopes were that we would make back the amount of money that we felt our time was worth and be given the opportunity to bring forth from our noodly noggins other weird stuff for our next game. All we’ve ever wanted was to create something that connects with folks and to be able to continue doing that with our creative control intact.”

According to Young Horses, its expectations for Octodad‘s sales and reception were exceeded — and there’s still the pending PlayStation 4 version of the game to think about. I’m tremendously excited for this team and can’t wait to see what it’ll come up with next.

When Reality Exceeds Expectations [Octodad]