Oculus Rift comes with a cool 3D platformer


Lucky’s Tale

Lucky’s Tale convinced me that 3D platformers can make terrific use of virtual reality. I had my doubts going in, thinking the game looked decent at best, but came away impressed. So did Brett. It’s good news, then, that it’s going to be packed in with the hardware.

The space dog-fighting title EVE: Valkyrie, another standout virtual-reality experience, is included as a freebie for folks who pre-order an Oculus Rift. But everyone who buys the device — even if it’s after the Q1 2016 launch — will get a complimentary copy of Lucky’s Tale.

There’s still no word on how much the Rift will cost, but the Consumer Electronics Show is coming up soon. Oculus founder Palmer Luckey recently reiterated, in a series of tweets, that “VR will become something everyone wants before it becomes something everyone can afford.”

“There are a lot of people who expect to spend a couple hundred bucks and use their existing low end laptops,” he said. “We are taking some big steps to make sure people know what they are getting into – we don’t want to sell to people who don’t.”

This trailer gives a hint of what makes the game feel magical. With the headset strapped on, it’s as if you’re peering into a toy-sized world. You can lean in, and out, and all around. It’s so dang cool.

Lucky’s Tale to be Bundled with Every Oculus Rift [Oculus]