Oculus Rift gets $75 million in funding to move forward


Nice, big push

Virtual reality headset makers Oculus Rift have secured $75 million in funding, led byinvestment firm Andreessen Horowitz, making this the largest funding for videogame tech ever. For the handing over of this massive pile of dough, Mark Andressen will join the board at Oculus. Andressen is the co-author of Mosaic and a co-founder of Netscape, and is on the board of Facebook and eBay, among others. Andressen Horowitz has backed Twitter, Skype, Pinterest and more.

“We believeOculuswill not only alter the gaming landscape but will redefine fundamental human experiences in areas like film, education, architecture, and design.Oculusis at the tip of the iceberg of its potential, and we’re incredibly excited to help them change the world,” said Andreessen.

Oculus previously raised $16 million in funding, and $2.4 million through Kickstarter.

Of course, this capital will be used to bring Oculus Rift to market. They say that they’re hiring engineers to help out. As of yet, no release date has been set.