Oh goodie, Thief is getting a movie


We are gathered here today to mark the passing of Garrett, the master thief…

Thief, the hardcore stealth series known for its subtle, quiet tone and open-ended gameplay, is getting a movie adaptation. Why? Beats me.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, production company Straight Up Films bought the rights to Thief from Square Enix and has already gotten to work on the script.

The film is to be penned by Adam Mason and Simon Boyes, the people behind Hangman and Brokenwhich both received very mixed receptions. Sounds perfect for a videogame adaptation!

At the risk of sounding cynical, it really feels like Square Enix saw the Assassin’s Creed movie getting attention and flung its only sneaky-hooded character out there to ride the wave. The only problem with that is Thief is a fundamentally different experience from the more action-packed Assassin’s Creed, and as such probably won’t make as clean a switch to the big screen.

Still, I’m going to remain optimistic. As bad as Thief 2014 was I still like the series, so maybe they can pull it off. Maybe. If the stars align and the Gods of Olympus deign it worthy. Possibly.

God, I hope so.

‘Thief’ Video Game Series to Get Big-Screen Treatment [The Hollywood Reporter]