Oh yeah, Ghost Recon Wildlands is still getting a PvP mode


Open beta soon, probably

Ghost Recon Wildlandsplayers will soon have the opportunity to turn their firearms toward a new enemy: Other players. The four-player squad-based cooperative shooter is adding a free competitive multiplayer mode sometime this fall.

Ubisoft recently released this trailer for the new mode, which is called Ghost War. The PvP retains the squad feel, as it’s limited to four people per team. Roll in with the same cowboys that help you tackle the cocaine cartel in the campaign.

While Ghost War is coming at some unannounced time later this year, Ubisoft’s holding an event to help iron out the wrinkles. There’s going to be an open beta later in the summer so that people can get a taste of the competitive mode. However, that’s alsoat an unannounced time, so we’re really only working in vaguities here.

It feels like time has passed overGhost Recon Wildlandsat this point, but that idea’s probably misguided. Despite mostly middling review scores (our score was on the low end; OpenCritic has it sitting right around the median when compared to all other games), Wildlandssold incredibly well. In March, it outperformed Zelda: Breath of the Wildaccording to the NPD figures. It has held its own on the charts ever since, most recently clocking in at 11th place on June’s best-sellers.

It’s useless to try to predict how many people will care about competitive multiplayer coming to a game that’s nearly a half-year old. All we know is that enough people have the game. The question lies in how many of them will come back to it.