Only the lonely don't own Animal Crossing: New Leaf


Simon and Garfunkel would be proud

Times are tough for those in certain circles that that don’t have the new Animal Crossing. Depending on who you run with on the internet, your Tumblr, Facebook, and Twitter feeds could currently be filled to the brim with pictures, anecdotes, and exclamations. They’re even doing a podcast about it now. In a world where millions of people soak in the minutia of other people’s lives through social media, it makes sense that a game about minutia of a virtual life would resonate so deeply.

It’ll be interesting to see if the constant online presence of the game will fade out shortly after launch, as it did for games like BioShock Infinite, or if Animal Crossing‘s “everyday something new happens!” premise will keep people talking about it year round. It’ll also be interesting to see how all the online hoopla will equate into big sales. I’ve quite a few twitter friends fold to their feelings of ostracization and buy the game just to be a part of the conversation.

Has the desire to feel included ever motivated you to buy a videogame?

What it’s like for people not playingAnimal Crossing: New Leafright now [Tiny Cartridge, via Hannah Lee Stockdale]