Original Lando, Billy Dee Williams, returning to Star Wars: Episode IX


Take that Keri Russell!

Hot on the heels of news that Keri Russell, yes, Felicity‘s Keri Russell, was cast in Star Wars: Episode IX, we get confirmation that the galaxy’s original far far away player is due back in his fabulous blue coat. Episode IX will mark Billy Dee Williams’ first return to the role since 1983’s Return of the Jedi.

Donald Glover has yet to comment on whether or not his work in Solo: A Star Wars Story is directly responsible for the return of the original Lando.

Rumors have been swirling about Williams’ return to the role for some time, but have only just been confirmed today. Of all the remaining characters that could be reprised by original cast, costume or puppet, Lando is likely the most popular, as well as obvious choice. This is putting aside one Boba Fett for two reasons: his movie was recently shelved at Disney and he was sort of butchered along with his father in the prequels. While Star Wars discussions have recently been stirring up every kind of shitshow imaginable on the onlines, it seems likely that this news might be met with relative calm and acceptance.*

*Yes, this is a challenge: prove me wrong denizens of the web.

Episode IX is currently set to debut December 20, 2019.

‘Star Wars’: Billy Dee Williams Reprising Role as Lando Calrissian [Hollywood Reporter]