Party Hard 2 has a new psycho killer protagonist


Love me some holiday-set video games

I probably should’ve watched this debut trailer for Party Hard 2 with an eye on the scornful new protagonist or any potential stray details that might’ve popped up, but I was too distracted by the vibrant lighting and colors to take notice of much else. It’s a cool visual hook in motion, one that places 2D characters in a 3D setting backed up by real-time shading and physics-driven objects.

“With the original Party Hard, we released 5 public alphas which helped us generate a ton of feedback,” noted publisher tinyBuild. “Expect the same approach here, with playable builds landing in your inbox as development progresses. For now, we urge everyone to sign-up for the Alpha.”

The first game (catch our review here) eventually worked its way around to PC, consoles, and even mobile devices. Party Hard 2 is only confirmed for PC right now, and it’ll be playable at PAX East.