Peggle 2 ricochets onto Xbox 360 on May 7


Xbox One users get Duel Mode today

Though early adoption of new consoles is something I tend to avoid these days, there is one game that has made me jealous of Xbox One users: Peggle 2. Soon enough, the ball-bouncing lesson in geometry and rainbows will not be exclusive to the current generation Microsoft console. On May 7, it will release for the Xbox 360, bringing joy to the unwashed last generation masses.

Xbox One users have reason to celebrate as well. The Duel Mode that will release with the Xbox 360 version is available now for Xbox One users, free of charge. Considering it partially addresses one of our review’s bigger complaints — the lack of local multiplayer — this should be a welcome addition. And hey, it is free downloadable content from Electronic Arts on a Microsoft console. That is news in and of itself.