Phil Spencer wants the Xbox One to 'win' this generation's console war


Gotta lot of work to do, then

The idea of the console war — that the big console makers are locked in this all-or-nothing struggle for hearts and minds — has gotten sillier as I’ve gotten older. Still, Xbox head honcho Phil Spencer has told Game Informer he wants to win this generation’s console war. Go Phil!

“At some level, it is a competition, and I’ve said before I want to win,” he explained. “I’m not going to duck that. I want to win. I want to win this generation, but I want to win more than I want the other guy to lose.” Logically, yes, Microsoft is a business in competition with Sony and Nintendo and yes, you want to have the drive to outperform your rivals. It’s just that every month or so we get a batch of sales figures and the console makers all spin them in to make it sound like they’re “winning.”

Of course, you don’t want the head guy behind your company going out and giving interviews that say things like “if we sell less consoles that the other guys, that’s cool,” but at the same time, considering that Microsoft is lagging behind Sony’s sales of the PS4, then Phil might be better spending his time talking about the good stuff that MS has in store for people who haven’t bought an Xbox One. Separating the Kinect from the console itself seems to have been a popular move but as Phil rightly points out, these are still early days.

‘I want to win this generation’ says Xbox Boss Phil Spencer [Game Informer]