Pick up Castle Crashers and Battleblock Theater on the cheap this week


On Xbox Live, that is

Have you heard that The Behemoth makes some pretty good games? It’s true! Castle Crashersand Battleblock Theaterare two such examples, and you can pick them each up for under $5 on Xbox Live this week.

Now, there’s a fair chance that many of you already own one, if not both, of these. After all, Castle Crashersis one of the best-selling games on the Xbox Live platform. However, if you’re a laggard as they say in marketing speak, it’s the perfect opportunity to take the plunge. Your friends will be totally jealous that you get to experience these for the first time.

Our XBLA games under $5 this week! [The Behemoth]Castle Crashers [Xbox]Battleblock Theater [Xbox]