PlayStation boasts over 1,000 licensed self-publishers


Sony thanks devs for their accomplishments

Sony wants us to know they haven’t forgotten the commitments they’ve made to independent developers, and in fact want to share the sentiment that they still “<3 their devs.” They love them so much that they’ve amassed 1,000 developers who are all licensed to self-publish on PlayStation.

Ever since November’s PS4 launch, we’ve been patiently waiting for that steady stream of releases that’s been poised to come down the pipeline, especially when it comes to the indie games that pop up out of nowhere and take the industry by storm. With over 100 games scheduled for launch on PS4 this year, it looks like we’re about to see that start happening. And hey, it’s not the sweet spot Vegeta likes to boast about, but 1,000 different developers (with 200 located in North America) is an impressive amount.

Games like Don’t Starve and Outlast were only the tip of the iceberg, with Octodad, GALAK-Z, The Witness, and Rogue Legacy on their way to the platform as well. I’m ready for some Rogue Legacy. I nearly got frostbite on Black Friday so I could play Resogun, so I think I can be patient a little longer for a console version of one of my favorite games of 2013. In any case, this is excellent news and a lot to look forward to.

PlayStation Still <3s Devs — 1,000 Self-Publishers [PlayStation Blog]