PlayStation Indies: 100 games in development


1,000 developers set to self publish

Adam Boyes, VP of Publisher and Developer Relations at PlayStation, shared some pretty interesting stats at their PlayStation Indie Event today. It seems like they’re starting big and getting even bigger with their indie program.

1,000+ developers are licensed to self-publish now for PlayStation. 20 million games have been sold, with a console attachment average of three games per unit. For the PS4 they’re at 21 self-published titles since launch now and growing.

And these games are doing well! Outlast has been downloaded 1.8 million times, for example. Don’t Starve has been downloaded over a million times. Warframe is the second most downloaded item on the PlayStation Store, second only to Netflix.

PS Plus helps these games out, sure. But these numbers are impressive any way you look at them.

We’ll likely see more numbers like this soon, as Boyes says that there are over 100 games in development.