Pokemon Sword & Shield is being developed primarily with handheld play in mind


Don’t worry, it’s going to be traditional Pokemon: maybe you’re worried about that?

While I (and 10 million plus other people, really) dug Pokémon Let’s Go, there was a general sense of dread that the series would become TV-focused, with Lét’s Go‘s emphasis on motion controls. In a blink and you’ll miss it sort of moment, Nintendo quells those fears in their recent financial briefing.

Directly explaining that Let’s Goplaced an emphasis on “waving the controller at the TV screen to capture Pokémon,” Nintendo explains that the upcoming mainline generation releasesSword & Shield“are being developed to emphasize the fun of playing Nintendo Switch in handheld mode.” They elaborate on the decision, explaining that they want the new generation to be serviceable to “longtime Pokémon fans,” but also want to capture new audiences (obviously).

While a lot of old school fans are going to be jumping for joy, I know a lot of you are probably disappointed that the new Pokémongame isn’t going to take major risks by deviating from its past formula: the debut trailer, which seems altogether safe, didn’t assuage any concerns.

On the contrary, tempered security is what Nintendo needs to grow the Switch and recover from the Wii U hole(RIP). Not every game is going to be breaking the mold, and if you really need something wacky, pick up a Labo kit.

Financial Results Briefing[Nintendo]