Quarantine Circular is on Switch today!


Surprise release

The second of Mike Bithell’s shorts, Quarantine Circular, is coming to Nintendo Switch today. Surprised announced during the Kinda Funny Games Showcase, the game is a pseudo-sequel to Subsurface Circular and follows the same gameplay template as that. This is a mostly dialogue-driven adventure where your choices will have an effect on the outcome.

If you’re worried that you’ll need to know the plot of the first title, don’t be. Mike Bithell has stated that knowledge of the prior title isn’t necessary. This is more an experiment in using dialogue trees to make an impact on the player rather than an overarching plot.

The game is likely to be the same price as its PC counterpart, which retailed for $5.99.

.@MikeBithell‘s Quarantine Circular is coming to Switch. When? TODAY! #KFGShowcase pic.twitter.com/LG2yvI2r1v

— Kinda Funny (@KindaFunnyVids) December 8, 2018

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