RAGE creative director has also joined Oculus VR


I did it for the Photoshop

Another id Software employee will be joining technical director John Carmack in Dallas to work on the virtual-reality headset Oculus Rift. The creative director of id’s post-apocalyptic shooter RAGE, Matt Hooper, left the company earlier this year and is now a part of Oculus VR, it’s been confirmed.

“We are thrilled to have Matt Hooper join the Oculus VR team as our Director of Development,” reads an official statement provided to Game Front. “Hooper will be working out of the Dallas, TX office. He’s a top talent who had been out of id for a few months and ended up being a great fit for the Oculus team. We’re looking for more all-stars!”

Nice moves all around. I’m hopeful that, with the right team, this thing can truly take off. The pieces are starting to fall in place but, even then, it’s not going to be easy.

RAGE Creative Director Matt Hooper Works at Oculus VR Now, Too [Game Front]