Ragnarok Odyssey Ace coming to PS3 & Vita April 1


Not a joke

Ragnarok Odyssey, which Jim really liked, came to the Vita in 2012. The Vita’s Monster Hunter alternate got a bit of a rebuild, Ragnarok Odyssey Ace, with a bunch of new content and a PS3 port. Ace, which we’ve been seeing for a while, now has a North American release date. We’re going to Odysee it April 1, 2014. Isn’t that ace?

The PS3 version will run you $40, physical and digital. Meanwhile, the Vita version is $40 for a physical copy as well, but comes with a soundtrack. Conversely, save five bucks and get it digitially for $35. The game is cross-play between Vita and PS3, too, which ragnaroks.