Rare is 'working on a couple things' right now


They can’t all by Kinect Sports titles, so that’s something

I shouldn’t do this to myself, but I can’t help it. I can’t not wonder what Rare is up to, even if the talent that made the studio so beloved in its prime has largely moved on.

Microsoft’s Phil Spencer told Eurogamer that Rare has “a couple of things at the moment, which we will announce at the right time. But I’m really excited by the things they’re doing and I believe you will be as well when you hear about them.”

Some have viewed the unbundling of the Kinect and the Xbox One as a sign that maybe, just maybe, Rare will move away from games that require the device. I don’t know about that (especially long-term). But with multiple projects in the works, hopefully some of them will be more in line with the “old” Rare — whether that be all-new properties with that certain essence, or familiar ones. For that matter, I’d take another Viva Piñata and be damn happy about it right about now.

“Rare is an incredible talent and they have some very very ambitious plans for the future and we’re supporting them in every way we can,” said Spencer.

Microsoft pledges to support Rare [Eurogamer]