Ready for more punishment? La-Mulana 2 announced


What a pleasant surprise

For all of the trouble Nigoro went through to remake La-Mulana and get the darn thing out on WiiWare and PC, I never thought a sequel would happen. I suppose the studio has proven itself, though — it’s come out stronger. La-Mulana 2 is being demo’d at the Tokyo Game Show this week, and the studio has a little introductory blog post about the title.

Apparently, it’s been in the works since Nigoro started on the WiiWare version. There’s also a teaser website over here, though it’s currently got little in the way of meaningful details. There’s a logo! And a promo video that’s not viewable yet. Yeah, I’ll come back later.

In the mean time, go get La-Mulana on Steam — it’s $3 right now, down from $15.

[Thanks, Daniel]