Replace every demon in Doom with shrieking Crash Bandicoot with this mod


Another day, another Doom mod

In 2017 there’s a Doom mod for just about everything. If you wanna turn the world of Doom into a different sort of hell, check out the “Woah! Crash Bandicoot” Doom mod.

This terrifying mod turns all of the demons into shrieking Crash Bandicoot. The Doom Marine is imprisoned in a hell built by Naughty Dog. You can check it out in the video below from ICARUSLIV3S.

I think a Doom mod is the final form of any meme. Though, it’ll be a shame to see this hellish version of Crash go. At leastthis modder had the courage to show us that there are things far scarier than demons.

Doom mod replaces every enemy with shrieking Crash Bandicoot [Kotaku]