Respawn responds to harsh Titanfall 2 feedback


‘We learned some valuable things’

I didn’t get around to trying the Titanfall 2 multiplayer “tech test” over the weekend, but I sure heard a lot about it from folks who did. Players who viewed the sequel as a step down on multiple fronts made themselves loud and clear. Now, Respawn Entertainment is attempting to assuage fears.

“Even though the Tech Test build is a couple months old, we learned some valuable things based on your feedback,” wrote multiplayer game designer Steven DeRose. “Some of these changes have already been addressed and will be updated for weekend two of the tech test, with other changes making it into the final game.”

There’s a detailed blog post that breaks down specific criticisms of Titanfall 2 gleaned from player feedback and how the studio either already has or intends to tackle them in time for the game’s October release. Here’s the short version (though you should read the full post for explanations):

  • “We’ll be tuning air speed and wall-running speed to be faster.”
  • “Players should once again accumulate and retain more speed when chaining wallruns.”
  • “Pilots will once again acquire a small passive amount of Titan meter every few seconds.”
  • Respawn will “continue to monitor” Titan survivability, but this is “one of the more complex issues to address.”
  • “Titan dashes will recharge faster.”
  • “We’ll be showcasing more maps over the next couple weeks on our website, including more traditional Titanfall maps.”
  • “We’re going to bring in the fade distance for enemy outlines so they don’t reveal pilots at extreme distances.”

Does that address every single complaint players brought up? No, probably not. But on the whole, I think returning Titanfall players are starting to feel more hopeful about the sequel. The technical test reopens this weekend (August 26 – 28) on PS4 and Xbox One. You don’t need a code to play.

Titanfall 2 multiplayer tech test and your feedback [Titanfall]