Rock Band 3 tracks should be playable in Rock Band 4 by end of year


The export fee is $15

People who played Rock Band 3can expect their Rock Band 4library to grow significantly in the coming months. Since Rock Band 4‘s October 6 launch, Harmonix has been at work trying to bring old content onto the new platforms. The most recent game is the first up.

Harmonix wrote a post on its website detailing the going-ons. If all goes according to plan, Rock Band 3will be able to be imported to Rock Band 4on December 8 when an update gets pushed. The caveats are that you own and have playeda copy of Rock Band 3, and that you pay a $15 export fee.

The export fee isn’t new to Rock Band, but it has steadily increased over the years. The cost to export the firstRock Band‘s tracksinto Rock Band 2was $5; it was $10 to export from Rock Band 2to Rock Band 3.

An interesting aside in Harmonix’s note is that the developer is soon losing the rights to sell Rock Band 3. That agreement comes to an end on October 30, at which point the game won’t be sold digitally anymore. Of course, you can still pick up a physical copy at any retailer that’s still carrying stock.

Harmonix seemingly has no intention of stopping after Rock Band 3. It’s also working on exporting the other Rock Bandtitles into Rock Band 4(apart from The Beatles: Rock Band). There’s no word on when any of that is expected to happen, because it’s not a given that it ever will happen. Harmonix also released this chart to help clear up any confusion because digital rights ownership is tricky. Let’s take it one step at a time, and that first step is Rock Band 3on December 8.

Everything You Need To Know About Previous Game Soundtracks In Rock Band 4 [Harmonix]