Rocksmith 2014 plays its encore on Xbox One and PS4


Meet the new boss, same as the old boss

Although it was outed by ESRB ratings almost a month ago, Ubisoft just got around to formally announcing that Rocksmith 2014will be headed to Xbox One and PlayStation 4 on November 4 of this year.

For the most part, this iteration of the musical tutor seems to be largely unchanged. However, one welcomed addition is the inclusion of integrated streaming and capture features which will bolster the instructional and boasting potential of the game. It’ll also support Vita Remote Play, giving players the ability to watch and study songs’ charts without providing any input.

Any adopters looking to upgrade from Xbox 360 or PS3 to their current-gen counterpart can take solace in the fact that all purchased downloadable content will transfer over without additional fees. If this is your first foray into Rocksmith, the game’s 50-plus on-disc songs should keep you honing your six-stringed craft for quite a while.