Rockstar made a TV ad just for GTA Online's Heists


Shot entirely on PC

Both the PC version of Grand Theft Auto Vand GTA Online‘s Heists have been a contentious issue for fans of the franchise. Frankly, most people adopted an “I’ll believe it when I see it” mentality, as no one was ever sure either would come to fruition.

Well, they both exist now, and that’s what makes this TV ad kind of special. Rockstar made a commercial to promote Heists, and it’s said to have been shot entirely on the PC version of the game. Heists were finally released last month on consoles, and GTA Von PC is coming April 14. Rockstar says the ad will air this weekend, possibly during the Final Four games of the men’s NCAA basketball tournament.

2015: A year when absolutely anything can happen (in the Grand Theft Autoworld).