Ryse wants you to name one of its QTE finishers


A QTE by any other name would smell as sour

Crytek wants you to name one of the QTE finishers for Xbox One exclusive Ryse. My theory is that the team ran out of manpower to name them all itself because the game is basically a giant quick time event.

Follow GameStop on Twitter and tweet suggestions with the the hash tag “#RyseMove2.” The top voted submission makes it in the game. I leave it in your hands, internet. You are good at winning ill-advised corporate contests to name things.

Let me try some: Stabby Wabby. Derivative quick time event finisher #279. Ice to meet you. The orphanage. Those pecs make me feel tingly so I must cut. The Ronald Reagan. Far Cry 2 was better than Far Cry 3. Urghguhghghgughhhh. Badass manly killing stab. Buy Forza 5 instead. The microtransaction.

Now your turn! I love it when we get to do things together, guys.