Sakurai details new Smash characters in developer video


No mention of tripping

In a new developer video, director of Super Smash Bros.Masahiro Sakurai goes over a lot of juicy details, including the differences between the 3DS and Wii U versions as well as the new characters. The 3DS version and Wii U version will have different levels based on games on the respective consoles. Sakurai also mentions that the 3DS version has thick outlines on the characters because it’s on a handheld and more difficult to see.

He also shows off the new moves of Mega Man, Villager, and a bit of Wii Fit Trainer. Villager’s ability to catch and throw ANY projectile seems incredibly useful. He can also pull weeds which…I have no idea how it works, really. But I do know that I LOVE IT! Sakurai will also be posting screenshots from the game five days a week, though it isn’t clear if this is juston Miiverse or on the website as well. I’d assume both.

I have not been this excited since…well, since I was checking Smash Bros. Dojo every weekday!