Samurai Shodown is headed to Xbox Series X this winter


Tales of Cold Steel

SNK has announced that its excellent one-on-one fighter Samurai Shodown will be making the leap to Xbox Series X this winter, bringing all of the steel-clashing, claret-spewing action of the 2019 release into a whole new generation.

Already available on PS4, PC, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch, Samurai Shodown takes the very deliberately paced hand-to-hand action of the classic Neo-Geo series and dresses it up with an attractive modern sheen, accompanied by a varied roster of classic, all-new, and even special guest characters.

Samurai Shodown has a distinct playstyle all of its own, and is very welcome as one of the first fighter to be announced for the Xbox series of next-gen consoles. Unfortunately, SNK has not confirmed cross-play as of yet, so we do not know if Xbox Series X players will be able to play with the established Xbox One player base, but here’s hoping. We will update you if any new info is forthcoming.

Samurai Shodown is available now on PS4, PC, Xbox One, Stadia, and Nintendo Switch. It will launch on Xbox Series X at some point this winter.